Charli Baltimore has more than enough as she explained in a recent interview with Yo! Raps Magazine;
Well Faith says that! She definitely says that you and B.I.G. were in a relationship!
Charli:"Well, I want you to hear it from the horse's mouth so to speak. Kim goes out of her way to say she was B.I.G.'s girl. No, Kim wasn't his girl! Straight up! She wasn't! She benefited from the situation because she became Lil Kim. She has a career and she's grateful to a nigga for helping her in that aspect, but she was never his girl! If you're running around constantly saying it, you would think a person with half a brain would say... that don't sound right! That's like Faith constantly walking around saying Oh! I was B.I.G.'s wife! Like... we know you were his wife. You don't have to say it 100,000 times. So, I don't get into that. This is probably the first time that I ever went into that conversation publicly. It's only because you and I have a vibe. Everybody that was around during that era knows I wasn't some jawn he was dealing with. B.I.G. and I were together. He bought me a car. I mean niggas wasn't doing stuff for no reason. It was no game!..."
".......I remember being at the funeral and Lil Kim fell out on the floor and I was just like "Yo! What the fuck!" Like, Faith was up there singing and she was very composed and very respectful. And here goes Lil Kim on the floor and she starts rolling around on the floor! I was like "What the fuck is going on?" I was in the back, in the cut. I had some black shades on. There was 100,000 bitches there and I don't know what bitches was... Yo! I remember this girl Lil Kim walked up and damn near jumped in the casket!"( To Read More click here)
-Kim you may need more people!!
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