Monday, March 17, 2008

DMX Don't Know Who's Obama??

A lot of people are talking about an interview that has yet to surface. The interview is with and DMX who claimed to not know Who Barack is???..

XXLmag: Are you following the presidential race?

DMX: Not at all.

XXLmag: You’re not? You know there’s a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then there’s Hillary Clinton........

...."What the f*** is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?"

....."What the f***?! That ain’t no f****n’ name, yo. That ain’t that n****’s name. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here"..

......"Wow, Barack! The ni***’s name is Barack. Barack? N*** named Barack Obama. What the f***, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his f***n’ name. Ima tell this n***a when I see him, “Stop that bull***. Stop that bull***” [laughs] “That ain’t your f****n’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no da** Barack."

I don't know but it sounds more like a joke to me...

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