Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tupac Shakur Murder To Be Studied Again

In case you didn't know, Tupac Shakur was shot more than once. Before his fatal shooting in 1996, he was also shot in 1994 during an ambush that took place at a rap studio.

Like many murders in urban areas, the no-snitching rule prevailed and police were left without witnesses. However, an LA Times writer, Chuck Phillips, has spent the last 14 years obsessing over Tupac's shootings, and the hunt is finally paying off.

Phillips is going to star in a web only presentation on breaking down the shooting of Tupac Shakur. According to Phillips, who has analyzed FBI records and other pieces of evidence, there is reason to believe that the rapper Diddy may be connected to Tupac's murder. Phillips has argued that Diddy knew that Tupac was going to be attacked the night he went into the studio. This assertion is not unlike the assertions made by Tupac himself after the shooting.

Two shadowy figures Jimmy "Henchmen" Rosemond and James "Jimmy" Sabatino, have emerged as the most interesting characters in the Tupac drama. Sabatino has been alleged by Phillips to have informed Diddy that Tupac was going to be attacked in the studio.

After the shooting, Sabatino spent a great deal of time with Diddy, and was allowed to spend thousands of dollars on lavish hotels, limos and other excesses. Sabatino was arrested in London in 1998 and then sent to prison. That is when he and Diddy parted ways.

Phillips will conduct a live chat with the audience and also use lyrics from Biggie and Tupac to further his story. He argues that there are clues in the music as well.


Franklin/Dallas said...

I read a couple of years back that Biggie had a million dollar bounty on Tupac. No one has come out mainstream and tied the murder to him though.

Anonymous said...

what day and time is the web presentation on i would really love to see whoever took Pac from us be brought to justice b/c when you do wrong it always comes back and look at what Diddy gained from the whole "arrangement". FAME AND FORTUNE was not worth more than that brother's life he had a purpose here. What's Diddy's purpose?

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